Sample Lessons

Adult Bible Studies in English

Adult Study samples are available in these formats: (details)

  • Normal Print PDF with fillable fields
  • Large Print PDF
  • Microsoft Word

Finding Joy! Series

The Joy of Knowing  complete 4-lesson study Free! PDF  Large Print  MS Word

Knowing God Through the Psalms Lesson 1 PDF  Large Print MS Word

Classic Series

Genesis Part 1 Lesson 2 PDF • Large Print • MS Word

Exodus: From Egypt to the Promised Land, Part 1 Lesson 2 PDF • Large Print • MS Word

Judges & Ruth Lesson 1 PDF • Large Print • MS Word

1 Samuel Lesson 1 PDF • Large Print • MS Word

2 Samuel Lesson 1 PDF • Large Print • MS Word

1 Kings Lesson 2 PDF • Large Print • MS Word

2 Kings Lesson 2 PDF • Large Print • MS Word

Nehemiah Lesson 1 PDF • Large Print • MS Word

Esther Lesson 1 PDF • Large Print • MS Word

Job Lesson 1 PDF • Large Print • MS Word

Psalms of Faith Revised! Lesson 1 PDF • Large Print • MS Word

Psalms from the Heartcomplete 4-lesson study Free! PDF   Large Print  MS Word

Ecclesiastes Lesson 1 PDF • Large Print • MS Word

Isaiah Lesson 1  PDF • Large Print • MS Word

Daniel: Chapters 1-6 Lesson 1 PDF • Large Print • MS Word

Prophecy in the Book of Daniel Lesson 1 PDF • Large Print • MS Word

Jonah Lesson 1 PDF • Large Print • MS Word

Highlights of the Old Testament: History Lesson 2  PDF • Large Print • MS Word

Highlights of the Old Testament: Wisdom & Prophecy  Lesson 2  PDF • Large Print • MS Word 

Christ B.C.—The Hidden Christ of the Old Testament Lesson 2 PDFLarge Print • MS Word

Gospel of Mark Part 1 Lesson 1 PDF • Large Print • MS Word

Gospel of John Part 1 (Collins/Rowland) Lesson 2 PDF • Large Print • MS Word

Acts Part 1 Lesson 2 PDF • Large Print • MS Word

Romans Lesson 1 PDF • Large Print • MS Word

1 Corinthians Lesson 1 PDF • Large Print • MS Word

2 Corinthians Lesson 1 PDF • Large Print • MS Word

Ephesians Part 1 Lesson 2 PDF • Large Print • MS Word

Philippians & Colossians Lesson 1 PDF • Large Print • MS Word

1 Thessalonians Lesson 1 PDF • Large Print • MS Word

Hebrews Part 1 Lesson 2 PDF • Large Print • MS Word

Hall of Faith: Study on Hebrews 11 Lesson 1 PDF • Large Print • MS Word

James Lesson 1 PDF • Large Print • MS Word

The Letters of John Lesson 2 PDF • Large Print • MS Word

Revelation Part 1 Lesson 2 PDF • Large Print • MS Word

Highlights of the New Testament Lesson 2 PDF • Large Print • MS Word

Treasures from the Parables Lesson 2 PDF • Large Print • MS Word

Youth Bible Studies in English

Youth samples are in PDF format.

Genesis Youth Lesson 1 PDF

Exodus Youth Lesson 1 PDF

Judges Youth Lesson 1 PDF

Ruth Youth complete 3-lesson study Free! PDF

1 Samuel Youth Lesson 1 PDF

2 Samuel Youth Lesson 1 PDF

1 Kings Youth Lesson 1 PDF

2 Kings Youth Lesson 1 PDF

Esther Youth Lesson 1 PDF

Psalms Youth Lesson 1 PDF

Ecclesiastes Youth Lesson 1 PDF

Daniel: Chapters 1-6 Youth Lesson 1 PDF

Jonah Youth complete 3-lesson study Free! PDF

Christ in the Old Testament Youth Lesson 1 PDF

Luke Youth Lesson 1 PDF

Acts Youth Lesson 1 PDF

Romans Youth Lesson 1 PDF

Ephesians Youth Lesson 1 PDF

Philippians & Colossians Youth Lesson 1 PDF

1 Thessalonians Youth Lesson 1 PDF

2 Timothy Youth complete 3-lesson study Free! PDF

Hebrews Youth Lesson 1 PDF

Hall of Faith Youth Lesson 1 PDF

James Youth Lesson 1 PDF

1-3 John & Jude Youth Lesson 1 PDF

Preschool Studies in English

Preschool samples are in PDF format.

Judges & Ruth Preschool Lesson 1 PDF

1 Samuel Preschool Lesson 1 PDF

Luke Preschool Lesson 1 PDF

Acts Preschool Lesson 1 PDF

2 Timothy Preschool complete 3-lesson study  Free!  PDF

Bible Basics for Little Ones Preschool Lesson 1 PDF

Arabic Adult Bible Studies

Arabic samples are in PDF format.

1 Thessalonians: Adult Study — Arabic Lesson 1 PDF

James: Adult Study — Arabic Lesson 1 PDF 

German Adult Bible Studies

German samples are in PDF format with fillable fields.

Das 1. Buch Mose Lektion 1 (German Genesis Lesson 1) PDF

Das 2. Buch Mose Lektion 1 (German Exodus Lesson 1) PDF

Das Buch Nehemia Lektion 1 (German Nehemiah Lesson 1) PDF

Der 1. Korintherbrief Lektion 1 (German 1 Corinthians Lesson 1) PDF

Der 1. Brief an die Thessalonicher Lektion 1 (German 1 Thessalonians Lesson 1) PDF

Die Offenbarung des Johannes Lektion 1 (German Revelation Lesson 1) PDF

Nepali Adult Bible Study

Nepali sample is in PDF format.

Nepali James  … PDF

Spanish Adult Bible Studies

Spanish samples are in PDF format with fillable fields.

Éxodo Lección 2 (Spanish Exodus Lesson 2) PDF

Isaías Lección 2 (Spanish Isaiah Lesson 2) PDF 

El Evangelio de Juan Lección 2 (Spanish Gospel of John Lesson 2) PDF 

Filipenses y Colosenses Lección 2  (Spanish Philippians & Colossians Lesson 2) PDF

1 Tesalonicenses Lección 2  (Spanish 1 Thessalonians Lesson 2) PDF