News & Stories

Welcome New Employee

Joy of Living has grown through the dedication of Kathy Rowland for 39 years. As she steps down from the position of director, we reflect on what her leadership has made possible.

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Kathy Rowland—39 Years of Leadership

Kathy Rowland—39 Years of Leadership

Joy of Living has grown through the dedication of Kathy Rowland for 39 years. As she steps down from the position of director, we reflect on what her leadership has made possible.

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This Summer, Stay Close to the Lord

This Summer, Stay Close to the Lord

Summer is a wonderful time to relax and enjoy time with nature and with our families, but are you making time spend with God, too? Here are some tips for how to continue your studies throughout the summer months.

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Real Righteousness

Real Righteousness

In this excerpt from our study on Christ in the Old Testament, author Bill Myers takes us through a look at Who God is and the righteousness we must possess in order to enter His presence.

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Going to God with Our Deep Longings—The Story of Hannah

Going to God with Our Deep Longings—The Story of Hannah

Elkanah had two wives, Hannah and Peninnah. Elkanah loved Hannah, but she could not produce children, for “the Lord had closed her womb” (1 Samuel 1:5). Peninnah, on the other hand, bore many sons and daughters for Elkanah, and she mocked Hannah because she had no...

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Our Relationship with Christ Allows Us to Walk with Confidence

Our Relationship with Christ Allows Us to Walk with Confidence

In 1 John 3:19-20, John says, “This is how we know that we belong to the truth and how we set our hearts at rest in his presence: If our hearts condemn us, we know that God is greater than our hearts, and he knows everything.” Although we allow God’s love to flow...

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