Psalms of Faith, Revised Edition
$19.30 – $32.60
Series: Joy of Living Classic
Each lesson contains commentary and a week’s daily study questions (except for the final lesson which contains the final commentary only).
…………information about formats
Printed — 8 1/2” x 11″, spiral-bound
…………$24.10 normal print (sample)
…………$19.30 damaged normal print (To view available DAMAGED quantity, click Spiral-bound book Normal Print DAMAGED icon below.)
…………$32.60 large print (sample)
…………$26.20 damaged large print (To view available DAMAGED quantity, click Spiral-bound book Large print 18pt DAMAGED icon below.)
Digital — on CD or download
…………Lesson 1 samples: PDF or MS Word
…………$24.10 on CD
…………$21.80 download (not reproducible)
License — For a reduced price per individual study, Joy of Living will provide a digital master copy and grant you permission to print the study lessons for your class members. Call (800) 999-2703 for details or to order.
Additional resource: Audio Lectures to complement this study
Study Length: 17 lessons…see what each lesson covers
Commentary by Ray C. Stedman, study questions by Nancy J. Collins and Kathy Rowland
The book of Psalms for the most part is a book of prayer and praise. It is a collection of independent pieces of many kinds, written by King David and many other authors over the course of centuries.
The Psalms are impassioned and vivid poetry; among them are prayers of both individuals and the community, praise for God’s saving help, hymns in praise of God’s majesty, and confessions of confidence in God’s care. We learn much about God and our relationship to Him, and we find prophetic references to our Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ, written many years before He came to earth.
Normal print edition 9781948126458
Large print edition 9781948126489