The Letters of John Lectures


Formats— CD or  mp3 Download

CD $13.50
mp3 Download $9.60

10  audio Jump Start lectures in series (average 10 minutes per lecture)

Free sample lecture on Lesson 1: download mp3 file

Audio quality varies and may not be suitable for use as a “substitute teacher” for a group.

The books of 1, 2, and 3 John are letters written by the Apostle John, who also wrote the Gospel of John. In these three letters, John addresses many truths that are critical to our walk with the Lord. What he has to say within these letters can make the difference between walking, that is living, in condemnation or walking in forgiveness and freedom; between being deceived or knowing the truth; between having the assurance of salvation or living in the fear of death. John helps the believer understand what it truly means to live and walk in fellowship with the Lord.