News & Stories

Quick Tips for Bible Study Leadership
Being a leader comes with responsibilities. Here are some tips for improving your bible study leadership, whether you are running a class for two people or two hundred.

Spiritual Depth Perception
Sometimes it seems that the Bible is contradicting itself, but upon closer study you will discover that it is not. We’re just seeing things from a different angle.

What if Someone Is Wrong in My Bible Study?
It’s inevitable that some of the answers that your study group provides will be wrong. Here are some strategies you can use to gently guide your discussion away from incorrect answers and toward God’s truth.

The Love of Money and the Pitfalls of Wealth
Paul’s teaching on the resurrection in the letter to the Corinthians gave him the perfect opportunity to give them some very practical instructions on giving.

Should I Lead a Bible Study?
Wondering if you have what it takes to lead a study? Scripture gives clear guidelines for the qualities we should have before we consider taking a position of leadership, and offers encouragement for when we feel inadequate.

What My Grandson Taught Me About My Own Discontented Heart
On my grandson’s birthday, God gave me a lesson about my own tendency towards discontentment.

From Ruin to Restoration: The Book of Nehemiah
Nehemiah is the story of the rebuilding of the walls of Jerusalem, but more than that, it is also the story of the restoring of a people from ruin and despair to a new walk with God.

How to Trust God When You Don’t Understand
Whenever we don’t understand something in our lives, God reminds us to trust in him, even when it’s hard.

Romans: Paul’s Most Influential Letter
Paul’s letter to the Romans is his greatest. Here are just a few stories of lives it has changed.